When it comes to eliminating wrinkles, lines, and deep folds, a facelift may be the appropriate treatment, or it may not be. Injectable products can reduce the effects of age with very nice results. There are two main injectable options to choose from: fillers and denervating agents, both of which work differently.
Fillers (like Restylane, Perlane, and Juvéderm) contain hyaluronic acid to plump up wrinkles from the inside out, giving instant results.
Denervating agents (such as Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) temporarily inhibit the muscle contractions that cause wrinkles to form while also preventing new ones from developing.
Knowing which treatment is best for your situation is something that is best left to a professional. Dr. Konstantin is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon, and he is eminently qualified to assess and prescribe the best course for your desired results.
Dr. Konstantin is one of a very select number of physicians recognized as an ExpertInjector™ by the only organization to have the endorsement of the prestigious AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY and AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY.
Dr. Konstantin sees patients in his Manhattan office:
59 East 79 Street | New York City | (212) 380-3634