Konstantin Vasyukevich, MD 59 East 79th Street
New York, NY 10075 Phone: (212) 380-3634 Monday, Friday: 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Wednesday: 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Dr. Konstantin sees many women and men interested in the mini facelift at his practice in Manhattan, NYC. While not appropriate for every patient, the mini facelift is a great surgical procedure for those with early signs of facial aging that primarily involve loss of jawline definition and early formation of jowls. As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon and expert in facelift surgery, Dr. Konstantin creates remarkable yet natural-looking results from mini facelift procedures.
Featured Mini Facelift Before & After Photos Picture Your Transformation
Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.
This patient presented to us concerned with early facial aging changes. She was mostly unhappy with loss of jawline definition, formation of jowls and some loose skin under the chin. Following an evaluation of her facial features and rejuvenation goals, a surgical plan was developed. Her good skin elasticity made her an excellent candidate fo... Read More
When this patient came to see us, she was concerned about the early aging changes she was experiencing that primarily affected her jawline. Her main complaints were the formation of jowls and loss of facial contour in the lower part of the face. After assessing her facial features, skin texture and elasticity and discussing her rejuvenation g... Read More
This patient came to us seeking to restore her youthful appearance. She felt she started to develop early signs of facial aging that made her look older than her actual age. Her primary concerns were loss of facial volume and skin laxity in the lower part of the face. A personalized surgical plan for this patient included a mini facelift comb... Read More
This patient presented to us concerned with the loss of a smooth jawline and neck skin laxity. She was also bothered by visible signs of early jowling. Her primary goals were to regain her youthful facial contours, yet still look natural and without any signs a cosmetic procedure was performed. After a comprehensive evaluation, a surgical pla... Read More
The mini facelift is likely the oldest surgical rejuvenation procedure still in use today. The first mini lift was performed over 100 years ago by a famous German surgeon, Jacque Joseph. A Polish noblewoman convinced the surgeon to tighten the skin of her face by pulling sagging tissue towards the ears, mimicking the effect of a very tight ponytail. The surgical “ponytail lift” tightened the sagging skin of her face and made her appear years younger. The surgeon removed excess skin and closed the incisions with silver wires and horsehair. Hence the mini facelift was born.
Original Limitations
Subsequently, a significant number of surgeons attempted a similar rejuvenation procedure, and a great many variations on the mini facelift were developed to fit the needs of different patients. However, the limitations of such mini procedures became quickly apparent. Only a small amount of skin could be removed through the limited incisions. Also, the results of small-scale facelifts were short-lived, with most patients developing skin laxity within a year or two of their procedure.
Improvements Brought Drawbacks
To overcome these limitations, surgeons began to invent more complex and elaborate facelift techniques. In addition to removing lax skin, these methods involved tightening underlying tissues to increase the longevity of the facelift results. Also, it became necessary to extend the incisions farther around the ear to the temple and into the hairline to correct significant skin laxity. Facelifts became bigger, more extensive, and more complicated; however, these improvements brought along drawbacks:
Increased longevity of results came at the price of increased healing time.
More extensive surgical techniques frequently made the face appear overly taut and “pulled.”
Neither of these changes was met favorably by the patients seeking a shorter, less traumatic procedure and more natural results. This led many surgeons to revisit old mini facelift techniques in an attempt to shorten the length of the incisions and reduce healing time.
“New & Improved” Mini Facelifts
In the early 2000s, many “new” facelift techniques became household names with patients seeking facial rejuvenation. Quicklift®, S-Lift, Y Lift®, and Lifestyle Lift are just a few names of re-invented mini facelifts. These procedures promised to combine significant rejuvenation with minimal recovery time and limited incisions.
However, the enthusiasm around the new and improved mini facelift was short-lived. It turned out that these new techniques still had the limitations of their older counterparts, such as limited correction of skin laxity and shorter longevity of results. Many patients who were quick to get mini facelifts became quite dissatisfied with the results and returned for more complete facelift procedures just a few years later.
So, did the mini facelift fail to deliver what it promised? Not quite. When performed correctly and used for the right patient, it remains an excellent procedure.
Who Is the Best Candidate for a Mini Facelift?
The best mini facelift candidates are usually women and men in their 30s to early 40s with early signs of facial aging and good skin elasticity. Loss of definition around the jawline and early formation of jowls are the most appropriate reasons for a mini facelift. A mini facelift may not be for you if you have significant jowling, sagging or hollow cheeks, or lax soft tissue of the neck. These all require a more extensive facelift procedure.
How Much Does a Mini Facelift Cost in NYC?
The price of a mini facelift at our New York City practice starts at $25,000. The best facelift surgeons in Manhattan charge more for their expertise and superior results. While paying a higher price does not guarantee better results, more experienced and reputable facial plastic surgeons tend to charge higher fees. It makes sense to invest a little more into your mini facelift to ensure the highest quality.
Your Mini Facelift Procedure
Dr. Konstantin performs most mini facelifts using lighter forms of anesthesia than with a full facelift. He commonly uses local anesthesia with mild or moderate sedation, which makes the procedure much safer and the recovery easier for the patient.
Once the anesthesia is administered, a local anesthetic is injected, and incisions are outlined. The typical mini facelift incision curves around the ear and extends upward at an angle to the temple and into the hairline behind the ear. The length of the mini lift incision is usually much shorter than with a more extensive facelift procedure.
Tissue Contouring
Once the incision is made, a skin flap is elevated to expose the underlying SMAS (submuscular aponeurotic system) tissue. Tightening sutures are subsequently placed into the SMAS to secure the elevated tissue and flatten and tighten the jowls.
Closure & Dressing
Once the contour of the jawline is established, the excess skin is removed, and incisions are closed with small sutures. Bandages may be placed after the procedure to keep the facial tissue in place.
What To Expect From Mini Facelift Recovery
After a mini facelift, just like with any other facial rejuvenation procedure, swelling and bruising are normal. With a mini facelift, these side effects are usually mild and diminish within a week or two. Mini facelift patients may also experience numbness around the ears and a feeling of tightness around the jawline. These sensations fade more quickly and are less intense with mini facelifts than with other more extensive forms of facelift surgery.
Healing time can vary greatly from patient to patient. However, most mini facelift patients can expect to take 5 to 7 days off work for healing. Typically, the signs of recent surgery are greatly diminished by the end of the first week and not easily noticeable by a casual observer. Some creative hair styling and occasional makeup application help hide the residual signs of surgery.
How long will the results from a mini facelift last?
The longevity of the results from a mini facelift varies greatly from patient to patient and depends on an individual’s tissue quality and extent of aging, and the amount of soft tissue removed. In general, improvements from a mini facelift last 3 to 5 years and then gradually diminish.
After having a mini facelift, can I have another facelift in the future?
Yes. Another facelift may be done once the rejuvenating effect of a mini facelift begins to diminish. It is not advisable for someone who needs a more extensive procedure to “try” a mini facelift first. This strategy would certainly fail and result in unnecessary additional surgery and possibly diminished overall results. Also remember, two mini facelifts do not equal one complete facelift.
If I don’t like the results of a mini facelift, how long should I wait to have another facelift?
In most cases, it is recommended to wait at least 6 to 12 months before considering another facelift procedure.
What are the possible complications of a mini facelift?
All surgical procedures pose some degree of risk. Rare but possible complications from a mini facelift include hematoma, infection, poor skin healing, and hypertrophic scars.
Request Your Consultation
Dr. Konstantin is one of the leading facelift specialists in New York City and is sought by patients throughout the world. If you’re looking for the best facial plastic surgeon in NYC to perform your mini facelift, request a consultation with Dr. Konstantin or call
(212) 380-3634 to schedule your appointment.
As we gather around the table (and the leftovers) this Thanksgiving, it's the perfect time to reflect on what fills us with gratitude. And here at Dr. Konstantin’s practice, we're pretty thankful for more than just the pum… Read more
Have you ever been asked, “What’s your beauty secret? You don't age!” When performed correctly, facelifts should leave people wondering exactly that— no obvious tells, just a refreshed, vibrant version of you. Our re… Read more
Have you ever found yourself bubbling with excitement to share some news with your family, only to hesitate because you’re unsure if they’ll feel the same way? Imagine finally landing that dream job (or getting a new bea… Read more