Get ready for (face)lift-off! Dr. Konstantin discusses the risks of flying post-op and how to be safe in your travels.
COVID-19 has presented all of us with new safety measures to ensure we and those around us remain as healthy as possible. Should you find yourself travelling by plane during this pandemic, there are certainly right and wrong ways to do so. Wearing a mask, maintaining a safe social distance, following orders of the CDC. But what about if on top of that, you’ve also just undergone facial plastic surgery?
Dr. Konstantin, globally recognized facelift expert, has patients that come to his New York City office from around the world, both within the country and internationally. While this is a great honor and is much appreciated, Dr. K has a serious message for those flying shortly after being operated on.
Flying after facial plastic surgery
Due to the potential of unhealed tissue within the first seven days of recovery, Doctor Konstantin urges patients to not board a return flight home until at least one week after surgery. Airplane passengers experience changes in pressure in the cabin due to plane altitude changes. One might use the analogy of a plastic water bottle or a party balloon in the air, expanding greatly with the rising altitude and dropping pressure, only to then “deflate” and shrivel on the way down. Blood vessels in the face, too, expand and deflate with pressure changes that occur when flying. The most common result of flying prematurely after surgery is increaser of facial swelling.
If you find yourself flying relatively soon after your procedure, there are ways to prevent swelling or other unpleasant occurrences from happening. Staying active before your flight, being well hydrated, and stretching whenever possible on the plane are ways to decrease the chance of any unwanted side effects.
Wherever you are coming from, flying to New York City for a facelift from Dr. Konstantin will not be a decision you regret. Just be sure to discuss your return plan with your surgeon before boarding your airplane home. To hear Dr. K speak more about travel precautions, watch this video. After you’ve planned and prepared, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight. And when you’re back in New York, contact Dr. Konstantin’s Manhattan practice to schedule a consultation.
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